The Courier Newsletter: Week of November 27th

At The Courier this week, it was slow as the leftovers from the holiday hit hard, the reality of finals and the rush of last minute college applications decimated any semblance of a normal week. But, no matter what there will always be a newsletter with the best of what was published. Please continue to submit feedback until our final edition of 2023 on Dec. 15. here on this Google Form. View everything not featured below at (Which includes several other great opinion stories and another feature story!)


In News, News Editor Seamus Bozeman collaborated with Assistant Features Editor Trina Jaconi-Biery on a story about the upcoming PCC Trustee elections that are set for March 5. 2024. The election has a current trustee retiring, two and possibly a third running uncontested, so plenty to dive into and what it means for March, including who the PCC community will be able to vote for in March 2024.


In Opinion, Sports Editor, music enjoyer and music world critic Le’Raun Peron criticized The Grammys’ for being too influenced by internal biases and other factors that come with a voting panel. His criticism stems from the constant topping of the Grammys by music stars like Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran, but leaving out people who our author considers much better like Drake and Beyoncé.


In Features, Features Editor Avory Baur wrote about PCC’s program that facilitates and helps students with a smooth transition from the prison system to making the shift into education and the outside world. PCC’s Community Overcoming Recidivism through Education is one of many programs throughout California that provides support for students who need help with their educational journey while at PCC.

PCC Sports

In Sports over the last week, several of the fall sports teams have either wrapped up their seasons or had their season come to an end in a playoff loss.

In Football, the Lancers recently dropped their final game of the season at the American Division Bowl to Chaffey 16-12. However, the Lancers walked away from the season with a 9-2 record and a perfect record (5-0) in Socal Conference play.

In Volleyball, the Lancers fell 3-0 in the second round of the Southern California Regional Playoffs to Irvine Valley. The Lancers finished with a record of 19-9 on the season.

In Women’s Soccer they lost in the second round of the playoffs in a close 3-2 game at Santa Barbara City College. They finished their season with a total of 15 wins, six draws and four losses. This season was the first time they had reached the playoffs in 11 years.

But, as these other sports continue to wrap up, both the Men and Women’s Basketball teams have just started their seasons which will go through February 2024.


In Lifestyle, Staff Writer Laura Dux and Assistant Social Media Editor Sabrina Farooq wrote about some of the best local coffee, from PCC’s very own branch of Cafe De Leché, to Jones in Pasadena and Unincorporated Coffee Roasters and their Altadena location. This is an especially important story as we hurdle towards finals and everyone from students to professors need it to keep their noses in their books (I guess these days computers) and eyes open.


As the mad dash towards finals begins, the podcast was on another break, but check out last week’s episode:

With assistant lifestyle editor Ayden, David and Sol discuss Thanksgiving traditions and the history behind the holiday. Also, the three briefly give an update on applying to four-year universities.

Social Media

Here is a link to all of our social media pages, with a weekly TikTok and other content: